Monday, February 16, 2009

A New SAT Question

What is the similarity between between Ariel money manager J. Ezra Merkin (who The NY Times 2/14/2009 p. B3)invested $2 billion of his clients' money with Madoff) and a subsidiary of Compushare which sells high-end software in the health care field (p. A13)?

Merkin received some of his telephone advice directly from an "Imprisoned Felon," Victor Teicher, whose federal securities fraud felony landed him in a New Jersey prison.

Covisint, the Compushare subsidiary, is paying $100,000 a year plus commissions, to felon and ". . . former Detroit mayor Kwame M. Kilpatrick . . ." because he is "uniquely qualified" to sell high-tech services in the health care field.

Have you any unease about the safety and integrity of your personal medical information? Or about the types of operators who - attracted to electronic medical records services, as vultures are to decaying carcasses - look upon the federal governments' willingness to pour resources into electronic medical records as an invitation to feast?

Is the Obama administration oversight of electronic medical records to be like the Bush administration oversight of Halliburton in Iraq?

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