Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Workhorse Group - A Club For Market Allocators?

While there's lots of captivating bad news, television networks are highlighting Friday the 13th-style horror movies' commercials, and the messages from stock brokers and advisory services are rightfully producing panic among those impacted, a series of different recent events has me worried.

On February 20, 2009, the New York Times described "behind closed doors" talks involving major health care players, lobbyists, unions, national organizations, financial interests, and staff of Senator Ted Kennedy. From the NY Times information, it seems that requiring all individuals to purchase health insurance is a major issue of discussion and various options for funding are on the table including individual responsibility, employer contributions, and public programs.

My concern is that under cover of cooperation with Senator Kennedy, and possibly free from the scrutiny of anti-trust enforcers, monied interests are dividing up the health care marketplace and lining up to offer political endorsement (and, presumably dollars), to those who support their positions.

Mr. Kennedy - open the doors now. An industry approaching $3 trillion, requires fresh air and sunlight, not the clubby atmosphere of restricted membership, drawn curtains, winks and nods.

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