Saturday, September 4, 2010

Before You Drink That 6-Pack . . . .

As I walked into my local supermarket to buy some flowers for the weekend, I saw the 6-packs of beer leaving the store, tightly clutched in customers' hands.  It made me wonder:
1. Do you believe that drinking the Labor Day weekend 6-pack will make your "crowd" like you?
2. Do you believe that drinking the Labor Day weekend 6-pack will make you more sexually attractive?
3. Do you believe that drinking the Labor Day weekend 6-pack and driving does not increase your risk of an  auto accident, a DUI citation, large hospital bills resulting from that auto accident, loss of auto insurance, lawyers' bills, and grief?
4. Do you believe that drinking the Labor Day weekend 6-pack will bring you joy?
5. Do you believe that drinking the Labor Day weekend 6-pack will absolve you of responsibility for an unwanted pregnancy?
6. Do you think that drinking the Labor Day weekend 6-pack and others, doesn't increase your risk of alcoholic liver disease, esophageal cancer, mouth and throat cancer (especially if you smoke) and gastrointestinal bleeding?
7. Do you think that the only friends worth having are the ones that will consume their own Labor Day weekend 6-packs followed by lots more?
8. Do you think that drinking 6-packs has an effect on your weight?
9. Do you think that drinking 6-packs has an effect on your school or job performance?
10. Do you really believe what the brewery ads imply, that the only way to have fame, fortune, friends, sex and happiness is to find it in the bottles they sell?

Ask any doctor or nurse who works in an emergency room what he or she thinks based on real life experience.

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