Friday, April 15, 2011

The 72 Cent Dollar

Suppose someone on the street corner made you a proposition. He would give you 72 cents for every dollar in your pocket. What would you think?  What would you say?  What would you do?

So when Mr Ryan offers to privatize Medicare, which means that between 25 and 30 cents of each dollar would be used by the insurers for administrative overhead (which includes millions in executive salaries) what do you think.  What do you say. What are you going to do?

When I last checked, Medicare's administrative overhead was about 3 cents on a dollar.  That sounds like a much better deal for you than privatization.  But it just isn't as good a deal for political campaign funds- which may be why the proposal has been floated. Make your thoughts known to the people who act as if the rest of us are stupid.

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