Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Appearance of Impropriety

Page 1 of The New York Times (July 30, 2009) describes the river of money flowing, in part, to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee ($500,000), individual candidates ($120,000, and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (House of Representatives) ($800,000+). The sources can be traced to McAllen Texas and the funds were traced by the Times to entities or individuals connected, in one way or another, to Doctors Hospital. (See my blog from 7/14/2009 with its link to the New Yorker article on McAllen Texas' health care costs.)

At a time when President Obama proclaims that his party's health care reform will drive down health care costs and prevent health care inflation, the Democratic Party seems blissfully unaware that the party and its members have provided American citizens with an appearance of impropriety which gives the lie to political rhetoric from Obama, Pelosi and Reid. Our health care system is being sold, without public benefit, to self-serving bidders while Democratic and Republican politicians and their parties reap the economic rewards. All of this while American adults' and childrens' health interests are being violated.

The public is silent. It is not apathetic, and one can readily sense frustration and anger bubbling below the surface.

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