Monday, January 31, 2011

Who Will Fill The Ethical Void?

We have heard the substantially different demands articulated by spokespersons from each major national political party concerning health reform, and today we heard that two federal courts have said that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 is constitutional and two have declared it unconstitutional, moving the ACA in the direction of America's highest court which will be asked to offer a raised or lowered thumb.

In my earlier blogs, I asked the Democratic administration for a simple explanation of its ethical basis for moving ahead with health care reform.  Neither I, nor - more importantly - the American electorate, received an answer.  So now, it's the Republican party's turn: what is the ethical foundation for the Republican party's opposition to health care reform?

I can't figure out whether what is at stake is pragmatic politics, a sophisticated view of the health care needs of America's men, women and children, a greater respect for material wealth than human values, or exactly what each political party's ethical standards are.  Where we are going? What are the points on the ethical compass we are being told to follow?

Will someone from the Republican party fill the void left by the Democrats? What are the ethical considerations of the Republican party in formulating its opposition to health care reform?

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