Monday, March 26, 2012


In my careers, as a  health care attorney and as an hematologist caring for very sick people of all ages (I am retired from both) , and as a board member of large powerful health care and health-care related corporations,  I was keenly aware of  the inequities in our health care system. I welcomed the underlying spirit of the Affordable Care Act and read it through carefully, more than once, concluding that the ACA was carefully and skilfully crafted by people who knew what they were doing, understood our system and created needed improvements.  I believed - and publicly stated -  that the ACA improved the long-term potential for  American health care and safety and extended its quality, availability and affordability to all Americans.  I have not changed those opinions.

As I read of the attacks on the Affordable Care Act by partisans of one party, I wonder about Congress peoples', and national political candidates',  undisclosed conflicts of interest which influence their  political activities and public statements concerning the health coverage which our nation, communities, neighbors and families depend upon.  As I watch the run up to the Supreme court  hearing  on the constitutionality of contended provisions of the Affordable Care Act, I wonder about the legal and social objectiveness of the Court's process.

My concern reflects the insightful statement by the biblical king, David, to the prophet, Gad  in which he expresses his distress, concluding  that it is better to fall into the hand of God, for God's mercy is great, rather than fall into the hand of man. With respect to our health care, the decisions will be those of men and women.

In my opinion, all Americans will benefit from the Affordable Care Act. That means my community, family, neighbors and friends. And that includes you, my reader.

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