Saturday, August 15, 2009

Touch Those Out Of Touch

As a board certified hematologist, my career often involved caring for patients whom I knew were soon going to die. Some of these patients were pregnant and in their twenties, many were middle-aged men and women, and some were older folks. They were professionals, religious leaders, politicians, business people, and workers and they represented all religions and all walks of life. Talking with patients about their prognoses was painful for me, as a doctor, and of course difficult for my patients. But even more difficult was imminent death in someone who had not considered or planned for that eventuality and who was surrounded by a family which was unprepared for, and often unwilling to accept, the possibility of a loved-one's death.

I serve on a multidisciplinary biomedical ethics committee which acts as a consultant to hospital medical staff members, patients, their families and others, often in matters of life and death. Our committee makes non-binding recommendations to patients and, more often, their families which affect life, death, quality of life, living arrangements, touch on religious preferences, and sometimes involve the appropriateness of proposed or rejected medical treatment. Although we are experienced and professional, it is sad to have us - as strangers to affected patients and their families - suggest resolution of situations which should have been resolved by those most involved - primarily patients, and when appropriate, their families.

My understanding is that payment by the federal government for end-of-life planning counseling services has been dropped, at the urging of a small group of Senators and politically-connected pressure groups. These services can provide peace of mind to those who are not yet patients, patients and patients' families, as well as practical solutions to individual problems. Planning is best done by the person whose life experiences give him or her the right to make his or her own life and death decisions.

I suggest that my readers contact the organizations listed below to express their wishes and expectations concerning this issue. Send your own message or forward this blog. But don't stand by silent, because when the time comes, no one may speak for you and you might not have your own plan.

Republican National Committee - - -
Republican Congressional Committee -
Republican Senatorial Committee - - -
Democratic National Committee - - -
Democratic Congressional Committee - - -
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee - - -

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