Friday, October 9, 2009

Is Something Rotten In Canada's Health IT Stimulus Program

See Dana Blankenhorn's report which begins:"The scandal involves charges of influence peddling regarding the 2007 award of a health IT contract to Pixalere Healthcare, now called Web Med Technology, for wireless diagnostic software." Pouring billions into our health system's electronic records and allied systems will open another door to health care fraud in America which may make predictions of cost-savings ludicrous..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My wife, JK visited her doctor today, at his office in a NYC hospital. She was interviewed by a sweet young thing who asked her the same questions, that she has been asked on her many visits, questions about her medical history.
Wouldn't it be sensible, time saving and more accurate if her records were available on a protected basis on a computer? It might, dare I say,even be cheaper.