Thursday, June 23, 2011

Will This Test For Early Alzheimers Explain Why Americans Have Forgotten?

If you are thinking - what does he mean, "Americans Have Forgotten" -go back a few years, to a previous presidential administration driven by an ideology justifying the exhaustion of America's financial resources so there would be no money left for social programs. That administration wasted America's financial resources (in two ways, [1] through endless budgetary deficits created by reckless spending - i.e. - a several trillion dollar war in Iraq - coupled with reduction of taxes for the wealthy  and [2] through deregulation of their political contribution supporting financial services industry leading to America's economic collapse and today's severe continuing recession). Now, its representatives who control the House of Representatives smugly  claim that the other party is fiscally irresponsible as the party's President struggles out of the swamp we inherited from them.

If business is unhappy with the cost of social services including those mandated by the Affordable Care Act, it should look at what the party which professes to be its best friend did.  Business has collapsed, employment has collapsed, the home building industry has collapsed and America is in a mess. Gee, wasn't that the exact consequence planned by the overseers of the ideology of destruction of our economy to complete their  ideologic triumph? Or did you forget that?

If you want to know why you forgot what that party and its ideology have done to you and your families, to our health care system, and to America, you might go ahead and get the Alzheimer's test described in the article, or even better, you might be more thoughtful about casting your vote in the next election. That party is  counting on you to forget again.

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