Monday, June 11, 2012


My Houston days have been busy, filled with appointments, consultations, radiographic procedures technical simulations for complex procedures, chemotherapy and a host of other activities which measure the scope and extent of my metastatic malignant melanoma and determines whether the disease has spread, notwithstanding vigorous efforts  to establish systemic control. From my perspective as a physician who, earlier in his career, worked with other "specialist" physicians to treat metastatic cancer of various types and stages, the team work and coordination that I observe here at MD Anderson Cancer Center, is highly reassuring.  Knowledge of, and adherence  to established professional standards is evident in each physician patient (or physician health care provider) contact,communication and discussion.

So far, I have been unable  to obtain access to one of the newest drugs which  stimulates the immune system to kill melanoma cells.  It is not clear when - and if - that access will be available. I will inform my readers of developments in this area.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your biggest fan and loyal reader is pulling for you and praying for your speedy and full recovery!